Just a side note, I guess I have taken on the challenge. I have given up the next 17 days of my life. I have made a pledge to train and work diligently. I've found a way to ignore all of that upon which I must wait.
I have signed up for the Yarn Harlot's 2010 Knitting Olympics challenge. I successfully avoided all such challenges made on Ravelry, but Stephanie just made it too funny; I read her blog today and had to promise. Maybe I'm just lonely and need some companionship in this, my hour of desperation.
Want to see how many other suckers (read: knitters) have signed up similarly? See? I'm not alone!
This is a good incentive for me to finish up that striped sweater. I've only to got finish maybe 10 rows on one sleeve. Surely I can get that done tonight and tomorrow's knitting time (and TV watching time) during the Opening Ceremonies can be devoted to the lovely yarn I've set aside for the V-neck pullover.
By the way, I have put up the 'project page' on my Ravelry account. This sweater is being entered in the 'Designer Biathalon' event under the Ravelympics2010 group...