The holidays this year were stunning. Crisp air, lots of snow and blue skies make for a spectacular day at Paradise! Every morning, the interp rangers pile into the park van and drive up the road together. Our main hope is have a great day and help connect park visitors to the resources around them. As we drive, we get a chance to see the early morning scenes, before many folks ever reach the park. (Thanks to Ranger Mike who drove so that I could take some pictures!)

I had the afternoon (2:30 p.m.) snowshoe walk on Christmas Eve. It meant that I got to see the skies turning pink, the light fading, and the world getting ready for a peaceful night.

As we were leaving the JVC in the evening, this unique cloud was moving across the sky. Ranger Rebecca and I thought it looked like the Northern Lights. I wish I'd had a better camera - hopefully you can get an idea of what this looked like.
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