Here in the Pacific Northwest, we were given (more) rain and snow for Thanksgiving! I'm working at the Jackson Visitor Center at Paradise today. The picture above was captured through the Mountain Cam, which looks up to Mount Rainier herself on a good weather day. It's been a relatively quiet day here at the VC, and it has gone quick. Right now, it's getting darker outside and the snow is starting to fall again.
It's cute to watch the kids come in here, sopping wet after playing in the snow outside. We have about 6 feet on the ground right now; we're bound for much more before the winter is over. Snowshoe season is here! I can't wait to get back up to speed (after my recent sick leave) and get outside again. Every season in the mountains is different. The season of diamond dust and icicles is upon us!
I miss snow! Lucky you!