Last night, a former roommate showed up for a visit. Amy was one of the girls that I shared a cabin with in Fairbanks during the summer of 2007. We hadn't seen each other since leaving Fairbanks. She's now a PhD student at Duke University, and I've gone elsewhere in life too.
It was so nice to see her smiling face again. Have 2 years really passed? We seemed to pick up just where we left off. Including the berry picking. ~wink~ Lots of laughs and silliness while playing Phase 10 (a card game), just like old times. :)
You know, I didn't have the best of supervisors when I worked up there. In fact, he was rather lazy and co-dependent in some ways. But the time in Alaska was still amazing. I saw some country that I wouldn't have gotten to visit any other way. I saw how mountains really can be larger than life. Wildnerness is both awe-inspiring and overwhelming at the same time. Wild blueberries are better than any fruit you can buy on the market. And I made some good friends. Amy and Whitney among the best of them.
But I have felt like I left something unfinished in Fairbanks. Something unrelated to my job, or my roommates, or.... whatever. Even though this 'unfinished business' had nothing to do with Amy, last night she made a comment that showed her thoughts on the subject in question. It sort of confirmed what I'd thought and felt; it was nice to know I was thinking the right thing all along. It all revolves around the last morning in Fairbanks, the ride to the train station and the train trip back to Anchorage. A sad day, indeed. I don't know who knows that story; maybe some day I'll get the nerve to write it all down.

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