1) Well, I'm back at C-camp for the winter. Today I did a bit of running around, a few errands and lots of moving bags and boxes.
2) I'm not done with the moving of boxes. Some are still across the road in a friend's cabin.
3) I have to finish moving tomorrow or I'll really feel lazy about all of this.
4) What I really want to do tomorrow is take a walk over to the kennels and see the pups and Sylvie for a while.
5) I know you want to see more pictures of Sylvie. I've missed her while working out at Wonder Lake this summer! Pictures will be forth-coming.
6) Speaking of pictures, the WIFI at C-camp seems much faster now than it was last winter. This could be a problem as I attempt to get things done while catching up on shows on Hulu.
7) I really have a lot of things to do and projects to complete. It's going to be a mad knitting factory in this cabin in the coming months.
8) So much yarn, so little time.
9) And now I want to knit myself a Christmas sweater.
10) I'm going to bed before I come up with any more crazy schemes to lengthen my To Do list(s)...
Why Should You Make & Use Handmade Soap?
2 days ago